Semper Luxembourg
Semper Luxembourg is a luxembourgishbased News Magazine developed by DSB Communication & Connexims, and destined for Health Professionals.
Since 2009, DSB Communication is the editor of Semper Luxembourg™, a monthly for Doctors, Dentists, and Pharmacists.Semper Luxembourg™ is regularly or systematically read by 94% of Luxemburgish doctors and Pharmacists. 97% go systematically through the pages of Semper Luxembourg™ when received, to see the summary of the issued edition and the main articles. 89% consider Semper Luxembourg™ a monthly magazine to which the Luxemburgish Health Professionals can relate to. (Source: Enquête Lecteurs 2011)
Founded in 2005, DSB Communication s.a. is specialized in B2B communication on Health issues, strengthened by a network of Journalists, Doctors, and Pharmacists in Luxembourg, France, and Belgium.

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To benefit from all of our services, more particularly :
- Participate in committees and commissions, in the different working groups
- Free access to our intranet
- Profit of the organizations networh: exchangres between experts, invitation to formations and exclusive meetings (economical, scientific, industrial, social, legal, RSE, parlementary, european, communication…)
- Being represented and being defended in front of institutions and the public, see the image of drug producing companies valued.
for more detailed information about the adhesion steps, please, contact us by mail contact@iml.lu .