1 September 2021 - FLH Info - Sonia Franck about LMVO
Click here to discover Sonia Franck's interview about drug safety in Luxembourg: Read.
09 June 2021- Paperjam - "In Luxembourg, the safety of medicines is guaranteed"
Sonia Franck (IML) insists on the fact that drug safety is guaranteed in Luxembourg.
Click here to access the article (FR) : Paperjam
12 February 2021 - Silicon Luxembourg - "APL Aims To Be A Trusted Partner In The Health Ecosystem"
February 12, 2021: Article in Silicon Luxembourg - "APL Aims To Be A Trusted Partner In The Health Ecosystem". Sonia Franck (APL) is interviewed by Silicon Luxembourg about APL and the innovative pharmaceutical industry in Luxembourg.
Click here to access the article : Silicon Luxembourg
January 2021 - Sonia Franck : Her convictions, her ambitions
Article in Semper on the occasion of the new Secretary General of the Association taking office.
Click here to access the article : Semper.

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